Thursday, February 25, 2010

Resource for Creating a Logo

The resource I used that I think will help me in creating my logo was a demonstrational video on how to create a basic logo with a name and symbol. Although the presenter wasn't perfect and made errors on his own, I liked watching the video because I am a visual learner. It helped me see which tools to chose that would create the certain look that was to become the outcome or goal. Being able to see how each tool functions and then tricks to fix mistakes or to edit something was beneficial. I liked seeing the different steps that could be used in creating a logo and then adding details to it with certain tools. I liked seeing where to begin and where to go from there. Once I get acquainted I hope to create something that is visually pleasing and that can made efficiently, since I'm a begginner I noticed it takes me longer to create even a simpler design.

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